Year in review2naveen19

What a year it was, naveen! Let’s take a little scroll down Memory Lane and have one last look at your highlights…


That’s 24 more check-ins than last year. Way to go!


You've unlocked 3 stickers this year! Congratulations!

253New Places

You were a real regular this year with 76% of your check-ins at places you’ve been before.


Step 1: Take stamp
Step 2: Affix to forehead
Step 3: Mail yourself?

Your 2019 Spirit City is West Hollywood. People there this year were more likely to check into the kinds of places you love, like Coffee Shops and Cafés.


You were the mayor at 16 places this year! You rock, you roll, you rule supreme. YOU were wearing the crown in 2019.

Top FiveCategories & Places


  1. Coffee Shops85 Check-ins
  2. Hotels58 Check-ins
  3. Cafés43 Check-ins
  4. Clothing Stores42 Check-ins
  5. International Airports39 Check-ins


  1. Happy BonesNoLita, New York
  2. Saturdays NYCSoHo, New York
  3. MilkMade Tasting RoomCarroll Gardens, Brooklyn
  4. Smile To GoSoHo, New York
  5. John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)Jamai, Queens


You struck a few streaks these last 52 weeks. Consistency counts. Way to be a frequent flyer...or checker-inner.

Dive Bars12 weeks
Cafés11 weeks
Hotels11 weeks

Your TopEvents

It was a pretty...eventful year, wouldn’t ya say? You checked in at 1 events this year! Party on.

pulsing heart

Your check-in BFF

Looks like you and diana were best buddies this year. (Or at least you tolerated each other enough to check in 214 times together.)


You’re a true trailblazer, a real pioneer. Here are some of the new spots that you were the first to try this year.

Click here to see your own year in review! Not swarming yet? Download the app now to start checking in.